Using the Web-Safe Color Palette

Paint Shop Pro includes a Safety palette with 256 colors that are Web-safe—your images can be viewed without color distortion on most computer monitors. There are three ways to use this palette on an image:

To load the Web-safe color palette:

  1. Choose Image > Palette > Load Palette.

  2. Select the Palettes folder of the Paint Shop Pro program folder.

  3. Select the palette Safety.pal.

  4. In the Apply palette using group box, select an option:

Nearest color matching Changes each image color to the color in the palette that is the closest match.

Error diffusion dithering Attempts to maintain the image’s appearance by dithering colors that are not in the palette. Dithering places pixels of different colors next to each other to simulate missing colors.

Maintain indexes Assigns each color in the palette a sequential index number and does the same for each color in the image, then changes each color in the image to the like-numbered color in the palette. This option is not available for 16 million color images.

  1. Click Open.

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Understanding Color and Color Models

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