When you save a mask to a hard disk or a removable disk, Paint Shop Pro saves the mask as a separate file with a .PspMask extension. You can then load this mask into other images without opening the original image.
To save a mask to disk:
On the Layer palette, click the name of the mask layer.
Choose Layers
> Load/Save Mask > Save Mask to Disk to open the
Save Mask To Disk dialog.
The Mask files group box displays the
current masks in the default Masks directory. The New
mask group box displays the current mask.
To change the folder where the mask file is saved, click the Edit Paths button. By default, mask files are stored in the Masks folder of the Paint Shop Pro program folder. For more information, see Setting File Locations.
In the File name edit box, type a name for the mask file.
Click Save. Paint Shop Pro saves the mask file.
Saving Masks to Alpha Channels