These constants are used to determine the datatype of specific columns of an rdoResultset object.
Constant | Value | Description |
rdTypeCHAR | 1 | Fixed-length character string of length n (1≤ n ≤254). Length set by Size property |
rdTypeNUMERIC | 2 | Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1 ≤ p ≤15; 0 ≤ s ≤ p). |
rdTypeDECIMAL | 3 | Signed, exact, numeric value with precision p and scale s (1 ≤ p ≤15; 0 ≤ s ≤ p). |
rdTypeINTEGER | 4 | Signed, exact numeric value with precision 10, scale 0 (signed: -231 ≤ n ≤ 231-1; unsigned: 0 ≤ n ≤ 232-1). |
rdTypeSMALLINT | 5 | Signed, exact numeric value with precision 5, scale 0 (signed: -32,768 ≤ n ≤ 32,767, unsigned: 0 ≤ n ≤ 65,535). |
rdTypeFLOAT | 6 | Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308 to 10308). |
rdTypeREAL | 7 | Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 7 (zero or absolute value 10-38 to 1038). |
rdTypeDOUBLE | 8 | Signed, approximate numeric value with mantissa precision 15 (zero or absolute value 10-308 to 10308). |
rdTypeDATE | 9 | Date � data source dependent. |
rdTypeTIME | 10 | Time � data source dependent. |
rdTypeTIMESTAMP | 11 | TimeStamp � data source dependent. |
rdTypeVARCHAR | 12 | Variable-length character string. Maximum length is DBMS-dependent. |
rdTypeLONGVARCHAR | -1 | Variable-length character string. Maximum length determined by data source. |
rdTypeBINARY | -2 | Fixed-length binary data. Maximum length is DBMS-dependent. |
rdTypeVARBINARY | -3 | Variable-length binary data. Maximum length is DBMS-dependent. |
rdTypeLONGVARBINARY | -4 | Variable-length binary data. Maximum data source dependent. |
rdTypeBIGINT | -5 | Signed, exact numeric value with precision 19 (signed) or 20 (unsigned), scale 0; (signed: -263 ≤ n ≤ 263-1; unsigned: 0 ≤ n ≤ 264-1). |
rdTypeTINYINT | -6 | Signed, exact numeric value with precision 3, scale 0; (signed: -128 ≤ n ≤ 127, unsigned: 0 ≤ n ≤ 255). |
rdTypeBIT | -7 | Single binary digit. |