Move Method (Remote Data)


Repositions the current row pointer in an rdoResultset object.


object.Move rows[, start]

The Move method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
rows A signed Long value that specifies the number of rows the position will move as described in Settings.
start A Variant value that identifies a bookmark as described in Settings.


If rows is greater than 0, the position is moved forward (toward the end of the cursor). If rows is less than 0, the position is moved backward (toward the beginning of the cursor). If rows is equal to 0, any pending edits are discarded and the current row is refreshed from the data source. At a lower level, when you use 0 as the rows argument, RDO executes the ODBC SQLExtendedFetch function to re-fetch the current rowset (as determined by the RowsetSize property) from the database.

If start is specified, the move begins relative to this bookmark. If start is not specified, Move begins from the current row.


If using Move repositions the current row to a position before the first row, the position is moved to the beginning-of-file (BOF) position. If the rdoResultset contains no rows and its BOF property is set to True, using this method to move backward triggers a trappable run-time error. If either the BOF or EOF property is True and you attempt to use the Move method without a valid bookmark, a trappable error is triggered.

If using Move repositions the current row to a position after the last row, the position is moved to the end-of-file (EOF) position. If the rdoResultset contains no rows and its EOF property is set to True, then using this method to move forward produces a trappable run-time error.

If you use Move on an rdoResultset object based on an SQL-specific query or rdoQuery, the query is forced to completion and the rdoResultset object is fully populated.

If you use any method that repositions the current row pointer after using the Edit or AddNew method but before using the Update method, any changes made to the copy buffer are lost.

To make the first, last, next, or previous row in an rdoResultset the current row, use the MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, or MovePrevious method. To position the current row pointer based on an absolute row number, use the AbsolutePosition property. To position the current row pointer based on a percentage of the accessed rows of a result set, use the PercentPosition property.

When you use the Move method or any other method to reposition the current row pointer, the RowCurrencyChange event is fired.

When using a forward-only rdoResultset, the you can reposition the current row only by using the MoveNext method. You cannot use the MoveLast, MovePrevious, MoveFirst, or Move method, or the PercentPosition or AbsolutePosition property, to reposition the current row pointer.