The following example illustrates execution of a multiple result set query. While this query uses three SELECT statements, only two return rows to your application. The subquery used instead of a join does not pass rows outside the scope of the query itself. This is also an example of a simple parameter query that concatenates the arguments instead of using an rdoQuery to manage the query. The OpenResultset also runs asynchronously – the code checks for completion of the operation by polling the StillExecuting property.
Private Sub ShowResultset_Click()
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim cn As New rdoConnection
Dim cl As rdoColumn
Dim SQL As String
Const None As String = ""
cn.Connect = "uid=;pwd=;server=SEQUEL;" _
& "driver={SQL Server};database=pubs;" _
& "DSN='';"
cn.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
cn.EstablishConnection rdDriverNoPrompt
SQL = "Select Au_Lname, Au_Fname" _
& " From Authors A" _
& " Where Au_ID in " _
& " (Select Au_ID" _
& " from TitleAuthor TA, Titles T" _
& " Where TA.Au_ID = A.Au_ID" _
& " And TA.Title_ID = T.Title_ID " _
& " And T.Title Like '" _
& InputBox("Enter search string", , "C") & "%')" _
& "Select * From Titles Where price > 10"
Set rs = cn.OpenResultset(SQL, rdOpenKeyset, _
rdConcurReadOnly, rdAsyncEnable + rdExecDirect)
Debug.Print "Executing ";
While rs.StillExecuting
Debug.Print ".";
Debug.Print String(50, "-") _
& "Processing Result Set " & String(50, "-")
For Each cl In rs.rdoColumns
Debug.Print cl.Name,
Do Until rs.EOF
For Each cl In rs.rdoColumns
Debug.Print cl.Value,
Debug.Print "Row count="; rs.RowCount
Loop Until rs.MoreResults = False
End Sub