The following example uses the SQL Server Pubs database to illustrate use of the AbsolutePosition property as a secondary letter index to a set of rows. The program begins by fetching the name and ID of all publishers into a dropdown ComboBox control. Initially, and as a specific publisher is chosen from the ComboBox, the set of titles for this publisher is fetched from the Titles table. This is accomplished by creating a query using the concatenation method and setting the RemoteData control's SQL property to this query. A DataGrid control is bound to the RemoteData control, so it reflects the current set of titles based on the publisher chosen. In the process of populating the result set, the first letter of each title is placed in an array along with the AbsolutePosition value for the row. When a letter is chosen and the MoveToRow button is clicked, the RemoteData control's AbsolutePosition property is set to the value associated with the letter.
Dim cn As rdoConnection
Dim en As rdoEnvironment
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim LetterIndex() As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Li As Integer
' Open the connection. This is a DSN-less Connection
Set en = rdoEnvironments(0)
Set cn = en.OpenConnection(dsName:="", _
Prompt:=rdDriverNoPrompt, _
Connect:="uid=;pwd=;driver={SQL Server};" _
& "server=SEQUEL;database=pubs;")
MsRdc1.Connect = cn.Connect
' Fill Publishers list combo box.
Set rs = cn.OpenResultset _
("Select distinct Pub_Name, Pub_ID" _
& " from Publishers", _
rdOpenStatic, rdConcurReadOnly)
Do Until rs.EOF
If rs(0) = Null Then
PubList.AddItem " " _
& rs!Pub_ID & ":" & rs!Pub_Name
End If
PubList.ListIndex = 1
PubList_Click ' Make the first query
End Sub
Sub GetLetterIndexes()
' Build an index array for the first
' occurance of a letter in the list
' of titles. Save an AbsolutePosition
' for each letter.
ReDim LetterIndex(122) As Long
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set rs = MsRdc1.Resultset
Do Until rs.EOF
Li = Convert(Left$(rs!Title, 1))
If LetterIndex(Li) = 0 Then
LetterIndex(Li) = rs.AbsolutePosition
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
' Position the RemoteData control's
' rdoResultset to the first row of the letter
' chosen based on the AbsolutePosition
Private Sub MoveToRow_Click()
Dim i
i = Convert(LetterWanted)
If LetterIndex(i) > 0 Then
MsRdc1.Resultset.AbsolutePosition = LetterIndex(i)
LetterWanted = "(Not Found)"
For i = i + 1 To Asc("z")
If LetterIndex(i) > 0 Then
MsRdc1.Resultset.AbsolutePosition = _ LetterIndex(i)
LetterWanted = Chr(i + 64)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
Private Function Convert(Li As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = Asc(Li) ' Only references first letter
Select Case i
Case Is < 65: Convert = 0
Case Is > 122: Convert = 58
Case Else: Convert = i - 64
End Select
End Function
' Fetch List of Titles for this
' publisher
Private Sub PubList_Click()
Dim PubWanted As String
' Pick off the PUB_ID
' Build the SQL Query based on
' publisher chosen
PubWanted = Trim(Left(PubList,
InStr(PubList, ":") - 1))
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
MsRdc1.SQL = "select * from Titles" _
& " where Pub_ID = '" _
& PubWanted & "'" _
& " order by Title"
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
If MsRdc1.Resultset.EOF Then
MoveToRow.Enabled = False
MoveToRow.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub