Connect Property Example: DSN-Less Connection Using Stand-Alone Connection

The following example establishes a DSN-less ODBC connection by creating a stand-alone rdoConnection object and uses the EstablishConnection method to open the connection. Note that the DSN=''; argument is positioned at the end of the connect string. The example prints the resulting Connect property to the Immediate window.

' Create a DSN-less connection
'   using a stand-alone rdoConnection object and 
'   the EstablishConnection method
Dim cn As New rdoConnection
Dim qd As New rdoQuery

cn.Connect = "uid=;pwd=;server=SEQUEL;" _
    & "driver={SQL Server};database=pubs;" _
    & "DSN='';"
cn.cursordriver = rdUseOdbc
cn.EstablishConnection rdDriverNoprompt
debug.print cn.Connect

Set qd.ActiveConnection = cn