RowCount Property Example

This example illustrates use of the RowCount property to determine if any rows resulted from the query and how many rows have been processed after each MoveNext method is executed and how many rows are in the result set once all rows are processed.

Option Explicit
Dim ps As rdoPreparedStatement
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim cn As rdoConnection

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SQL As String
Set cn = MSRDC1.Connection

SQL = "{call ChooseAuthor (?)}"
Set ps = cn.CreatePreparedStatement("GetAuthor", SQL)
End Sub

Private Sub Search_Click()
ps(0) = NameWanted.Text
Set MSRDC1.Resultset = ps.OpenResultset( _
   rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly)
With MSRDC1.Resultset
  If .RowCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No titles by that author were found."
    Do Until .EOF
      TitlesFound = .RowCount   ' How many so far
    TitlesFound = .RowCount         ' Total rows found
  End If
End With
End Sub