Class Property (OLEObject Object)


Returns the class name of the embedded object.



The object argument is an object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


A class name defines the type of an object. Applications that support OLE or Automation fully qualify the class names of their objects using either of the following syntaxes:


The syntax for OLE class names has the following parts:

Part Description
application The name of the application that supplies the object.
objecttype The object's name as defined in the object library.
version The version number of the object or application that supplies the object.

For example, Microsoft Excel version 5.0 supports a number of objects, including worksheets and charts. Their class names are Excel.Sheet.5 and Excel.Chart.5. Microsoft WordArt version 2.0 supports a single object with the class name MSWordArt.2.

Note   Some OLE programming documentation refers to the class name syntax as a programmatic ID (ProgID).

Creating an object by using the Add method of the OLEObjects collection, automatically sets the Class property of the OLEObject object.