Recover Command

See Also

Replaces a file or project that had been deleted.

To use the Recover command:

  1. Select a project in the project pane of VSS Explorer.

  2. On the File menu, click Properties, and then click the Deleted Items tab.

  3. Click Recover.

Access Rights

You must have the Add access right to use this command.


When you use the Delete command to delete a file or project from VSS, the deleted items are removed from VSS Explorer.  However, VSS continues to store them, so that it can rebuild old versions of the project that required them.

The Recover command reverses the Delete command and restores the file.  After the file has been recovered, it is once again part of its parent project.

If the file being recovered is shared by other projects, it may have been modified while in those projects.  Therefore, the file you recover may not be exactly the file you deleted.

When you delete a project, all the subprojects and files under it become unavailable.  However, when you recover the project, its subprojects are also recovered.