Visual_Diff_InsertClr Initialization Variable

See Also

Sets the color used to indicate lines inserted in the Differences for File dialog box, available with the Show Differences (File) command on the Tools menu.


Visual_Diff_InsertClr = {R,G,B|Color}


Sets the inserted lines color to green:

Visual_Diff_InsertClr = <0,255,0>

Sets the inserted lines color to green:

Visual_Diff_InsertClr = Green


If you set this variable, make sure you set the Visual_Diff_DeleteClr and Visual_Diff_ChangeClr variables to something else. You can specify any color with the RGB syntax (3 numbers between 1 and 255 separated by commas), or use the following color names: Black, Blue, Red, Green, Cyan, Magenta, Gray, White, Yellow, Light Blue, Light Yellow, Light Green, Light Red, Light Magenta, Light Cyan.