If your question is urgent and more complex

Telephone a Microsoft Technical Support engineer

Microsoft Technical Support provides no-charge and fee-based support via telephone. The amount of no-charge support will vary depending on which edition of the product you purchased, as described below.

Standard No-Charge Support for help during regular business hours

Note   No-charge support is available for current versions only.

To receive Standard No-Charge Support for the products described above

You can receive Standard No-Charge Support via e-mail or via telephone by calling (425) 635-7012 between 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Note   Microsoft Internet Explorer, Windows NT Option Pack, and FrontPage may have been included with one of the products you have purchased, however the available support options are separate from those listed above.  If you have a question regarding any of these products, please see the technical support section of the individual product�s Help file.

Pay-Per-Incident Support - for help after-hours or to supplement Standard Support

If you need help after-hours, or if you have used up your incidents of Standard No-Charge Support as described above, you can purchase Pay-Per-Incident Support for a fee of $95 U.S. per incident by calling (800) 936-5800. Support fees will be billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card. In the United States, you can also call (900) 555-2300 to have support fees applied to your telephone bill.