See Also

Ddconv.exe updates a VSS database from an earlier format to the current format.

Ddconv.exe is primarily used by installation scripts to make sure the format of an installed VSS database is correct after an update.  Ddconv.exe is also one step in the process of creating a new VSS database with the Mkss.exe utility.

If VSS cannot find all of the installed database during installation, the VSS administrator may have to run this utility manually.  Ddconv.exe can also be used with the -S option to rebuild the status file.


DDCONV [-S] [-MSSpath]|[data path]

The following table describes command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
-MSSpath The path of a SRCSAFE.INI file from which Ddconv.exe can determine the data folder.
Data path The path to a data folder to convert.
-S Rebuild the VSS check-out status index file.