Folders Installed by Setup

The VSS directory structure installed by the setup program is similar for both server and client options. The person doing the installation specifies the folder in which VSS is installed. On a server, all folders and files may be present. On a client, only the \Win32 and \Setup folders are installed.

The following table lists VSS folders and their contents for the most common installations.

VSS Folders and Contents for Common Installations

Folder Contents Installation type
\Data Database of all files and projects Server
\Users User initialization files (SS.INI) Server
\Temp Temporary files Server
\Win32 Windows 95 and Windows NT 32-bit Intel application programs Server, client
\Setup Files used by the Setup.exe program to install additional components or uninstall VSS Server, client
\Netsetup Files used by the Netsetup.exe program to install VSS to a client computer Server
\Ntaxp Windows NT on AXP RISC programs Server