In this tab you can specify how VSS's command-line options are performed. These options don't affect the behavior of VSS Explorer.
To display the Command Line Tab:
On the Tools menu, click Options.
Select the Command Line Options tab.
The first two options affect how VSS interacts with your working folder during command-line operations. By default in the Explorer, VSS expects a working folder to be set for each project, and will check out files to that folder only. By default on the command line, VSS assumes your current project and current folder are what you want to be working with, and ignores any working folders set for a specific project. You can modify this behavior by checking one of the following options.
The first two tab options determine how the working folder you've set is used.
Assume Working Folder Based on Current Project
If this option is selected, a file is put into your working folder for the project, even if that is not the current folder when you execute a command on a file from the command line.
If this option is not selected, subprojects go into their own respective working folders.
Assume Project Based on Working Folder
If this option is selected, VSS looks at your current folder whenever you execute any VSS command. If this is the working folder for a VSS project, VSS automatically changes to that project before executing the command. If you set this option, it is highly recommended that you don't give two projects the same working folder; VSS will not know which project to switch into.
If this option is not selected, VSS does not change to your current project when you execute any VSS command.
Check Out Comments
No Comment on Check Out � select this option if you don't want to be prompted for a comment upon checkout.
Apply Same Comment to All Files � select this option if you want VSS to take one comment (up to 64 characters) and apply it to all files involved in the checkout operation.
Apply Different Comment to Each File � select this option if you want to add a separate comment for each file involved in the checkout operation.
Comment Prompt
Prompt for Comments on the Command Line � select this option if you want VSS to ask for comments on the command line.
Use an Editor to Prompt for Comments � select this option if you want to use an editor to enter your command-line comments. After you select it, enter the path for the selected editor in the Editor box. Click Browse to search your file system for this information.
Use Prompt String � select this option if you want to specify that a prompt string (asking for a comment) be inserted into your editor when it opens. The prompt string is not saved with your comment unless you change the string in your editor.
Editor � enter the path for the selected editor. Click Browse to search for an editor.
Note This option is disabled when Prompt for Comments on the Command Line is selected.