Create a Site Map

See Also

Site maps are becoming more popular as methods of navigating through a Web site. This command lets you generate a list of HTML files in your Web project. The list is created as an HTML file with links to each file within the project. You can then add the resulting file to your Web site and provide your users with a classic method of navigation.

Each time you run this command, a totally new file is created. That is, this command does not compare new material to old and just make the changes. So, if there is some customization you have added to the resulting site map file, you should be prepared to add it again each time you run this command, or to use technology such as Server-Side Include Files to store it in a separate place. Also, the HTML generated by this command is fairly rudimentary HTML 2.0 tags. If you want a more customized page, you can cut and paste from the HTML provided by this command, or add your own more advanced HTML tags directly to the file.

To create a site map for HTML files:

  1. Select a Web site project. Web site projects have a this icon: ()

  2. On the Web menu, click Create a Site Map to display the Create Site Map dialog box.

  3. Click OK.