Use Command Line Syntax

See Also

All VSS commands entered from the command line must begin with ss.

The syntax for VSS commands is as follows:

ss Command [item(s)] [option(s)]


An item can be a project or a file. The nature of an item depends on the command. For the Get command, each item must be a VSS file or project. For the Add command, each item must be an operating system file or folder.


Options are parameters you use to modify the action of a command and consist of a hyphen ( - ), a letter, and a value. The value must follow the option letter directly, with no space between them. For example:

ss Get hello.c -v22

In almost all cases where you can specify an item to act on, you can also specify many items. For example, any of the following are valid ways of executing the Get command:

ss Get "My File.doc"
ss Get hello.c hello.h test.h makefile
ss Get *.c *.h makefile linkfile
ss Get *.*

The command line is not case-sensitive. Anything on the command line can be either uppercase or lowercase. For example, the second command above could also be entered as:

SS get HELLO.C Hello.H test.h MakeFile

You can get Help on any command-line command by entering:

SS [command] -?

The following table lists other commands you can enter from the command line:

Command Action
ss dir Displays the contents of the current project.
ss add sort.bas Adds the file Sort.bas to the current project.
ss checkout reference.doc Checks out the file Reference.doc.
ss create $/newproj Creates a new project, $/newproj, directly under the root project.
ss cp .. Changes the current project to the project one level above the one where you are now.
ss locate Readme.txt Performs a global search for the project containing the file Readme.txt. If the file is shared, the results show all projects sharing the file.
ss find database Readme.txt Finds instances of the string "database" in the file Readme.txt.
ss workfold $/Myprj C:\Mystf\Myfld Sets C:\Mystf\Myfld to be the working folder for the $/Myprj project.

For a complete list of commands, see Key to Command Line Commands and Options.