Export or link a Datasheet view to Access

Export a Datasheet view to Access

  1. In the ribbon, click the List tab, and then in the Datasheet group, click Show Task Pane.
  2. In the Task Pane, click Export to Access.
  3. Choose to export the Datasheet to an existing database or a new database and click OK.

Microsoft Access prompts you to specify the location of the database and opens a table with the exported data.

Track a list in Access

  1. In the ribbon, click the List tab, and then in the Datasheet group, click Show Task Pane.
  2. In the Task Pane, click Track this List in Access.
  3. Choose to export the Datasheet to an existing database or a new database, and then click OK.

Access prompts you to specify the location of the database and creates a linked table that links to the data in SharePoint Foundation 2010.

Update Datasheet view with changes in a linked table

  1. Edit the linked table in Access.
  2. In the Datasheet View, in the ribbon, click the List tab, and then in the Datasheet group, click Refresh Data.

Update a linked table with changes in SharePoint