Upgrading from FlashBoot 2.x/1.x

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We provide free lifetime upgrades for all users of FlashBoot, since 2005.


If you have ordered FlashBoot 2.3b or later version, you can upgrade to FlashBoot 3.x Pro simply by redownloading FlashBoot installer from order result URL. This is permanent private URL always pointing to latest version of FlashBoot Pro, corresponding to your order. For you convenience, this URL is also displayed on the "More Info..." screen of first page of FlashBoot wizard.


If you have ordered FlashBoot 2.0-2.3a or 1.x, then you can download and install FlashBoot 3.x Free from https://www.prime-expert.com/flashboot/ , and then convert it to FlashBoot 3.x Pro by adding your license key file license_key.xml or flashboot_license_key.xml to installation folder (usually "C:\Program Files\FlashBoot") or to My Documents folder. This license key was delivered as e-mail attachment after your order. This applies both to installable version and to portable version.