LargeChange, SmallChange Properties Example

This example matches a TextBox control's width to that of a Slider control. While the Slider control's Value property is above a certain value, the TextBox control's width matches the Slider control's value. The SmallChange and LargeChange properties depend on the value of the Slider control's Max property. To try the example, place a Slider control and a TextBox control on a form and paste the code into the form's Declarations section. Run the example and press the PAGEDOWN, PAGEUP, and LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys.

Private Sub Form_Load()
   Text1.Width = 4500 ' Set a minimum width for the TextBox.
   Slider1.Left = Text1.Left ' Align the Slider to the TextBox.
   ' Match the width of the Slider to the TextBox.
   Slider1.Max = Text1.Width
   ' Place the Slider a little below the Textbox.
   Slider1.Top = Text1.Top + Text1.Height + 50
   ' Set TickFrequency to a fraction of the Max value.
   Slider1.TickFrequency = Slider1.Max * 0.1
   ' Set LargeChange and SmallChange value to a fraction of Max.
   Slider1.LargeChange = Slider1.Max * 0.1
   Slider1.SmallChange = Slider1.Max * 0.01
End Sub

Private Sub Slider1_Change()
   ' If the slider is under 1/3 the size of the textbox, no change.
   ' Else, match the width of the textbox to the Slider's value.
   If Slider1.Value > Slider1.Max / 3 Then
      Text1.Width = Slider1.Value
   End If
End Sub