This example first uses the SaveSetting statement to make entries in the Windows registry for the application specified as appname, then uses the GetAllSettings function to display the settings. Note that application names and section names can't be retrieved with GetAllSettings. Finally, the DeleteSetting statement removes the application's entries.
' Variant to hold 2-dimensional array returned by GetAllSettings
' Integer to hold counter.
Dim MySettings As Variant, intSettings As Integer
' Place some settings in the registry.
SaveSetting appname := "MyApp", section := "Startup", _
key := "Top", setting := 75
SaveSetting "MyApp","Startup", "Left", 50
' Retrieve the settings.
MySettings = GetAllSettings(appname := "MyApp", section := "Startup")
For intSettings = LBound(MySettings, 1) To UBound(MySettings, 1)
Debug.Print MySettings(intSettings, 0), MySettings(intSettings, 1)
Next intSettings
DeleteSetting "MyApp", "Startup"