Add Method Example

This example uses the Add method to add Inst objects (instances of a class called Class1 containing a Public variable InstanceName) to a collection called MyClasses. To see how this works, insert a class module and declare a public variable called InstanceName at module level of Class1 (type Public InstanceName) to hold the names of each instance. Leave the default name as Class1. Copy and paste the following code into the Form_Load event procedure of a form module.

Dim MyClasses As New Collection    ' Create a Collection object.
Dim Num As Integer    ' Counter for individualizing keys.
Dim Msg
Dim TheName    ' Holder for names user enters.
    Dim Inst As New Class1    ' Create a new instance of Class1.
    Num = Num + 1    ' Increment Num, then get a name.
    Msg = "Please enter a name for this object." & Chr(13) _
     & "Press Cancel to see names in collection."
    TheName = InputBox(Msg, "Name the Collection Items")
    Inst.InstanceName = TheName    ' Put name in object instance.
    ' If user entered name, add it to the collection.
    If Inst.InstanceName <> "" Then
        ' Add the named object to the collection.
        MyClasses.Add item := Inst, key := CStr(Num)
    End If
    ' Clear the current reference in preparation for next one.
    Set Inst = Nothing
Loop Until TheName = ""
For Each x In MyClasses
    MsgBox x.instancename, , "Instance Name"