Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition
Property Get Statement
 Language Reference 
Version 5 

See Also

Declares, in a Class block, the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a Property procedure that gets (returns) the value of a property.
[Public [Default]| Private] Property Get name [(arglist)]
    [[Set] name = expression]
    [Exit Property]
    [[Set] name = expression]
End Property

The Property Get statement syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Public Indicates that the Property Get procedure is accessible to all other procedures in all scripts.
Default Used only with the Public keyword to indicate that the property defined in the Property Get procedure is the default property for the class.
Private Indicates that the Property Get procedure is accessible only to other procedures in the Class block where it's declared.
name Name of the Property Get procedure; follows standard variable naming conventions, except that the name can be the same as a Property Let or Property Set procedure in the same Class block.
arglist List of variables representing arguments that are passed to the Property Get procedure when it is called. Multiple arguments are separated by commas. The name of each argument in a Property Get procedure must be the same as the corresponding argument in a Property Let procedure (if one exists).
statements Any group of statements to be executed within the body of the Property Get procedure.
Set Keyword used when assigning an object as the return value of a Property Get procedure.
expression Return value of the Property Get procedure.

If not explicitly specified using either Public or Private, Property Get procedures are public by default, that is, they are visible to all other procedures in your script. The value of local variables in a Property Get procedure is not preserved between calls to the procedure.

You can't define a Property Get procedure inside any other procedure (e.g. Function or Property Let).

The Exit Property statement causes an immediate exit from a Property Get procedure. Program execution continues with the statement that follows the statement that called the Property Get procedure. Any number of Exit Property statements can appear anywhere in a Property Get procedure.

Like a Sub and Property Let procedure, a Property Get procedure is a separate procedure that can take arguments, perform a series of statements, and change the value of its arguments. However, unlike a Sub and Property Let, you can use a Property Get procedure on the right side of an expression in the same way you use a Function or property name when you want to return the value of a property.