Now that you've wolfed down the pizza, it's time for some dessert.
However, the cookies that we'll be digesting in this section are not made with
chocolate chips. Cookies are used to store information on our customers' hard disks.
In the EX35A example, the server stores the customer name in a hidden field
of the confirmation form. That works fine for linking the confirmation to the
order, but it doesn't help you track how many pizzas Walter ordered this year. If
you notice that Walter consistently orders pepperoni pizzas, you might want to
send him some e-mail when you have a surplus of pepperoni.
How Cookies Work
With cookies, you assign Walter a customer ID number with his first order and make him keep track of that number on his computer. The server assigns the number by sending a response header such as this one:
Set-Cookie: customer_id=12345; path=/; expires=Monday, 02-Sep-99 00:00:00 GMT
The string customer_id is the arbitrary cookie name you have assigned, the / value for path means that the browser sends the cookie value for any request to your site (named, and the expiration date is necessary for the browser to store the cookie value.
When the browser sees the Set-Cookie response header, it creates (or replaces) an entry in its cookies.txt file as follows:
customer_id 12345 0 2096697344 0 2093550622 35 *
Thereafter, when the browser requests anything from, the browser sends a request header like this:
Cookie: customer_id=12345
Your ISAPI server extension function makes a call like this one to store the cookie at the browser:
AddHeader(pCtxt, "Set-Cookie: session_id=12345; path=/;" " expires=Monday, " 02-Sep-99 00:00:00 GMT\r\n");
To retrieve the cookie, another function uses code like this:
char strCookies[200]; DWORD dwLength = 200; pCtxt->GetServerVariable("HTTP_COOKIE", strCookies, &dwLength);
The strCookies variable should now contain the text
Problems with Cookies
There was an uproar some time ago when Internet users first discovered that companies were storing data on the users' PCs. New browser versions now ask permission before storing a cookie from a Web site. Customers could thus refuse to accept your cookie, they could erase their cookies.txt file, or this file could become full. If you decide to use cookies at your Web site, you'll just have to deal with those possibilities.