The USER_INFO_10 structure contains user information for network accounts.

typedef struct _USER_INFO_10 {
LPWSTR usri10_name;
LPWSTR usri10_comment;
LPWSTR usri10_usr_comment;
LPWSTR usri10_full_name;



Specifies the name of the user account. For NetUserSetInfo, this member is ignored. The number of characters in the name cannot exceed the value of UNLEN.


Points to a Unicode string that contains a comment. The string can be a null string, or can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.


Points to a Unicode string that contains the full name of the user. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.


Points to a Unicode string that contains the full name of the user. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.

See Also

NetUserDel, NetUserEnum