
The LoadCursor function loads the specified cursor resource from the executable (.EXE) file associated with an application instance.

HCURSOR LoadCursor(

HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle of application instance
LPCTSTR lpCursorName // name string or cursor resource identifier



Identifies an instance of the module whose executable file contains the cursor to be loaded.


Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the cursor resource to be loaded. Alternatively, this parameter can consist of the resource identifier in the low-order word and zero in the high-order word. The MAKEINTRESOURCE macro can also be used to create this value.

To use one of the Win32 predefined cursors, the application must set the hInstance parameter to NULL and the lpCursorName parameter to one the following values:

Value Description
IDC_APPSTARTING Standard arrow and small hourglass
IDC_ARROW Standard arrow
IDC_CROSS Crosshair
IDC_IBEAM Text I-beam
IDC_ICON Windows NT only: Empty icon
IDC_NO Slashed circle
IDC_SIZE Windows NT only: Four-pointed arrow
IDC_SIZENESW Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest
IDC_SIZENS Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south
IDC_SIZENWSE Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast
IDC_SIZEWE Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east
IDC_UPARROW Vertical arrow
IDC_WAIT Hourglass

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of the newly loaded cursor.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


LoadCursor only loads the cursor resource if it has not been loaded; otherwise, it retrieves the handle of the existing resource. This function returns a valid cursor handle only if the lpCursorName parameter points to a cursor resource. If lpCursorName points to any type of resource other than a cursor (such as an icon), the return value is not NULL, even though it is not a valid cursor handle.

The LoadCursor function searches the cursor resource most appropriate for the cursor for the current display device. The cursor resource can be a color or monochrome bitmap.

See Also

LoadImage, MAKEINTRESOURCE, SetCursor, SetCursorPos, ShowCursor