
[Now Supported on Windows NT]

The GetMenuDefaultItem function determines the default menu item on the specified menu.

UINT WINAPI GetMenuDefaultItem(

HMENU hMenu,
UINT fByPos,
UINT gmdiFlags  



Handle to the menu for which to retrieve the default menu item.


Value specifying whether to retrieve the menu item's identifier or its position. If this parameter is FALSE, the identifier is returned. Otherwise, the position is returned.


Value specifying how the function searches for menu items. This parameter can be zero or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
GMDI_GOINTOPOPUPS Specifies that if the default item is one that opens a submenu, the function is to search recursively in the corresponding submenu. If the submenu has no default item, the return value identifies the item that opens the submenu.

By default, the function returns the first default item on the specified menu, regardless of whether it is an item that opens a submenu.

GMDI_USEDISABLED Specifies that the function is to return a default item, even if it is disabled.

By default, the function skips disabled or grayed items.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the identifier or position of the menu item.

If the function fails, the return value is - 1.

See Also
