
[New - Windows NT]

The WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader function retrieves the header part of a WIN_CERTIFICATE structure from the specified subject. The caller specifies the type of certificate to retrieve. The returned information does not include the data in the bCertificate member of the WIN_CERTIFICATE structure.

BOOL WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader(

LPWIN_TRUST_SIP_SUBJECT lpSubject, // pointer to description of the subject
DWORD dwCertificateIndex, // type of certificate to retrieve
LPWIN_CERTIFICATE lpCertificateHeader // pointer to a buffer that receives the certificate header



Pointer to a WIN_TRUST_SIP_SUBJECT structure that identifies the subject from which to get a certificate header.


Specifies the type of certificate to retrieve. You can call the WinTrustSubjectEnumCertificates function to enumerate the types of certificates that the subject contains.


Pointer to a WIN_CERTIFICATE structure that receives the certificate header.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


A trust provider calls the WinTrust implementation of the WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader function. WinTrust then calls the WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader implementation of the appropriate Subject Interface Package (SIP). The appropriate SIP is the one registered to handle the type of subject specified by the lpSubject parameter.

Each Subject Interface Package (SIP) DLL must implement the WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader function. WinTrust gets a pointer to the SIP's WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader implementation when WinTrust calls the SIP's WinTrustSipInitialize initialization function.

The LPWINTRUST_SUBJECT_GET_CERT_HEADER type is a pointer to a WinTrustSubjectGetCertHeader function.

See Also

WIN_CERTIFICATE, WIN_TRUST_SIP_SUBJECT, WinTrustSipInitialize, WinTrustSubjectEnumCertificates