A DDE client application posts a WM_DDE_REQUEST message to a DDE server application to request the value of a data item.


wParam = (WPARAM) hwnd; // handle of posting application

lParam = (LPARAM) lParam; // holds cfFormat and aItem



Value of wParam. Identifies the client window sending the message.


Holds the cfFormat and aItem parameters.

Parameter Description
cfFormat This is the LOWORD of lParam. Specifies a standard or registered clipboard format.
aItem This is the HIWORD of lParam. Contains an atom that identifies the data item requested from the server.



The client application posts the WM_DDE_REQUEST message by calling the PostMessage function, not the SendMessage function.

The client application allocates aItem by calling the GlobalAddAtom function.


If the receiving (server) application can satisfy the request, it responds with a WM_DDE_DATA message containing the requested data. Otherwise, it responds with a negative WM_DDE_ACK message.

When responding with either a WM_DDE_DATA or WM_DDE_ACK message, the server application can either reuse the aItem atom or it can delete the atom and create a new one.

See Also

GlobalAddAtom, PackDDElParam, PostMessage, ReuseDDElParam, SendMessage, UnpackDDElParam, WM_DDE_ACK, WM_DDE_DATA