
The HideCaret function removes the caret from the screen. Hiding a caret does not destroy its current shape or invalidate the insertion point.

BOOL HideCaret(

HWND hWnd // handle to the window with the caret



Identifies the window that owns the caret. If this parameter is NULL, HideCaret searches the current task for the window that owns the caret.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


HideCaret hides the caret only if the specified window owns the caret. If the specified window does not own the caret, HideCaret does nothing and returns FALSE.

Hiding is cumulative. If your application calls HideCaret five times in a row, it must also call ShowCaret five times before the caret is displayed.

See Also

CreateCaret, DestroyCaret, GetCaretPos, SetCaretPos, ShowCaret