
Notice:This is preliminary documentation for technology that will be supported in future releases of Microsoft Windows.

The LSGetMessage function returns the message string associated with a license service function status code.


LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle, // handle to the license context
LS_STATUS_CODE Value, // any status code returned by a license service function
LS_STR *Buffer, // pointer to buffer returning error message string
LS_ULONG BufferSize // maximum size of buffer string



[in] Specifies the handle to the license context. This parameter must be a handle created with the LSRequest function.


[in] Specifies any status code returned by a license service function.


[out] Points to a buffer in which a localized error message string will be returned.


[in] Specifies, in bytes, the maximum size of the string returned in the Buffer parameter.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is LS_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is a status code. For extended error information, call LSGetMessage to return the status text corresponding to the status code. The LSGetMessage function may return one of the following status codes:

Value Meaning
LS_BAD_HANDLE The handle used on the call does not describe a valid licensing system context.
LS_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE The request cannot be completed because of insufficient resources, such as memory.
LS_TEXT_UNAVAILABLE A warning occurred while looking up an error message string with the LSGetMessage function.
LS_UNKNOWN_STATUS An unrecognized status code was passed to the LSGetMessage function.
LS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The buffer that the Buffer parameter points to is too small to accommodate the text string to be returned; or the challenge data structure is too small to accommodate the challenge response.
LS_BAD_ARG One or more of the arguments is incorrect.


The LSGetMessage function returns a string describing a specific error, and possibly a suggested action to be taken in response to it. If the value specified in the Value parameter is the constant LS_USE_LAST, then the last error associated with the supplied licensing handle, plus its associated data, is returned. Otherwise, the function uses the supplied error code.

See Also
