[New - Windows NT]

The RAS_SECURITY_INFO structure is used with the RasSecurityDialogGetInfo function to return information about the RAS port associated with a RAS security DLL authentication transaction.

typedef struct _RAS_SECURITY_INFO {

DWORD LastError;

DWORD BytesReceived;





Specifies an error code that indicates the state of the last RasSecurityDialogReceive call for the port. If the receive operation failed, LastError is one of the error codes defined in RASERROR.H or WINERROR.H. Otherwise, LastError is one of the following values.

Value Meaning
SUCCESS The receive operation has been successfully completed. The BytesReceived member indicates the number of bytes received.
PENDING The receive operation is pending completion.


Specifies the number of bytes received in the most recent RasSecurityDialogReceive operation. This member is valid only if the value of the LastError member is SUCCESS.


Specifies a null-terminated string that contains the user-friendly display name of the device on the port, such as Hayes SmartModem 9600.

See Also

RasSecurityDialogGetInfo, RasSecurityDialogReceive