
The AccelTableEntry structure describes the data in an individual accelerator table resource.

struct AccelTableEntry {

WORD fFlags;

WORD wAnsi;


WORD padding;




Specifies a set of flags that you can use to describe keyboard accelerator characteristics. This member can have one or more of the following values.

Value Meaning
FVIRTKEY The accelerator key is a virtual-key code. If this flag is not specified, the accelerator key is assumed to specify an ASCII character code.
FNOINVERT A menu item on the menu bar is not highlighted when an accelerator is used.
FSHIFT The accelerator is activated only if the user presses the SHIFT key. This flag applies only to virtual keys.
FCONTROL The accelerator is activated only if the user presses the CTRL key. This flag applies only to virtual keys.
FALT The accelerator is activated only if the user presses the ALT key. This flag applies only to virtual keys.
0x80 The entry is last in an accelerator table.


Specifies an ANSI character value or a virtual-key code that identifies the accelerator key.


Identifies the keyboard accelerator. This is the value passed to the window procedure when the user presses the specified key.


The number of bytes inserted to ensure that the structure is aligned on a DWORD boundary.


The AccelTableEntry structure is repeated for all accelerator table entries in the resource. The last entry in the table is flagged with the value 0x0080.

You can compute the number of elements in the table if you divide the length of the resource by eight. Then your application can randomly access the individual fixed-length entries.

See Also
