
The IsDlgButtonChecked function determines whether a button control has a check mark next to it or whether a three-state button control is grayed, checked, or neither.

UINT IsDlgButtonChecked(

HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
int nIDButton // button identifier



Identifies the dialog box that contains the button control.


Specifies the integer identifier of the button control.

Return Values

The return value from a button created with the BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, BS_AUTO3STATE, BS_CHECKBOX, BS_RADIOBUTTON, or BS_3STATE style can be one of the following:

Value Meaning
BST_CHECKED Button is checked.
BST_INDETERMINATE Button is grayed, indicating an indeterminate state (applies only if the button has the BS_3STATE or BS_AUTO3STATE style).
BST_UNCHECKED Button is unchecked

If the button has any other style, the return value is zero.


The IsDlgButtonChecked function sends a BM_GETCHECK message to the specified button control.

See Also
