
[Now Supported on Windows NT]

Retrieves the attributes of one or more file objects or subfolders.

HRESULT GetAttributesOf(

UINT cidl, // Number of file objects
LPCITEMIDLIST *apidl, // Pointer to array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST structures
ULONG *rgfInOut // Address of value containing attributes of the file objects



Number of file objects to get the attributes of.


Pointer to an array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST structures, each of which uniquely identifies a file object relative to the parent folder. Each ITEMIDLIST structure must contain exactly one SHITEMID structure followed by a terminating zero.


Address of a ULONG value that specifies the common (logically AND'ed) attributes of specified file objects.

Return Values

Returns NOERROR if successful or an OLE-defined error value otherwise.


The following tables list the attribute flags that may be returned by this method. File object attributes include capability flags, display attributes, contents flags, and miscellaneous attributes.

A file object's capability flags may include zero or more of the following values:

SFGAO_CANCOPY The specified file objects or folders can be copied (same value as the DROPEFFECT_COPY flag).
SFGAO_CANDELETE The specified file objects or folders can be deleted.
SFGAO_CANLINK It is possible to create shortcuts for the specified file objects or folders (same value as the DROPEFFECT_LINK flag).
SFGAO_CANMOVE The specified file objects or folders can be moved (same value as the DROPEFFECT_MOVE flag).
SFGAO_CANRENAME The specified file objects or folders can be renamed.
SFGAO_CAPABILITYMASK Mask for the capability flags.
SFGAO_DROPTARGET The specified file objects or folders are drop targets.
SFGAO_HASPROPSHEET The specified file objects or folders have property sheets.

A file object's display attributes may include zero or more of the following values:

SFGAO_DISPLAYATTRMASK Mask for the display attributes.
SFGAO_GHOSTED The specified file objects or folders should be displayed using a ghosted icon.
SFGAO_LINK The specified file objects are shortcuts.
SFGAO_READONLY The specified file objects or folders are read-only.
SFGAO_SHARE The specified folders are shared.

A file object's contents flags may include zero or more of the following values:

SFGAO_CONTENTSMASK Mask for the contents attributes.
SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER The specified folders have subfolders (and are, therefore, expandable in the left pane of Windows Explorer).

A file object may have zero or more of the following miscellaneous attributes:

SFGAO_FILESYSTEM The specified folders or file objects are part of the file system (that is, they are files, directories, or root directories).
SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR The specified folders contain one or more file system folders.
SFGAO_FOLDER The specified items are folders.
SFGAO_REMOVABLE The specified file objects or folders are on removable media.
SFGAO_VALIDATE Validate cached information.


You can optimize this operation by not returning unspecified flags.

See Also