
The GetBinaryType function determines whether a file is executable, and if so, what type of executable file it is. That last property determines which subsystem an executable file runs under.

BOOL GetBinaryType (

LPCTSTR lpApplicationName, // points to fully qualified path of file to test
LPDWORD lpBinaryType // points to variable to receive binary type information



Points to a null-terminated string that contains the fully qualified path of the file whose binary type the function shall determine.


Points to a variable to receive information about the executable type of the file specified by lpApplicationName. The function adjusts a set of bit flags in this variable. The following bit flag constants are defined:

Value Description
SCS_32BIT_BINARY A Win32-based application
SCS_DOS_BINARY An MS-DOS - based application
SCS_OS216_BINARY A 16-bit OS/2-based application
SCS_PIF_BINARY A PIF file that executes an MS-DOS - based application
SCS_POSIX_BINARY A POSIX - based application
SCS_WOW_BINARY A 16-bit Windows-based application

Return Values

If the file is executable, the return value is nonzero. The function sets the variable pointed to by lpBinaryType to indicate the file's executable type.

If the function is not executable, or if the function fails, the return value is zero.