
The IsValidLocale function applies a validity test to a locale identifier. The dwFlags parameter determines the nature of the validity test. Currently, the function tests whether a locale identifier is installed or supported on the calling system.

BOOL IsValidLocale(

LCID Locale, // locale indentifier to validate
DWORD dwFlags // specifies validity test



Specifies the locale identifier to be validated. You can use the MAKELCID macro to create a locale identifier.


Specifies the validity test to apply to the locale identifier. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
LCID_INSTALLED Test whether the locale identifier is both supported and installed.
LCID_SUPPORTED Test whether the locale identifier is supported.

Return Values

If the locale identifier passes the specified validity test, the return value is nonzero.

If the locale identifier does not pass the specified validity test, the return value is zero.


If the LCID_INSTALLED flag is specified and this function returns TRUE, the locale identifier is both supported and installed on the system.

If the LCID_SUPPORTED flag is specified and this function returns TRUE, the locale identifier is supported in the release, but not necessarily installed on the system.

See Also
