
The SetViewportOrgEx function sets the viewport origin of a device context by using the specified coordinates.

BOOL SetViewportOrgEx(

HDC hdc, // handle of device context
int X, // new x-coordinate of viewport origin
int Y, // new y-coordinate of viewport origin
LPPOINT lpPoint // address of structure receiving original origin



Identifies the device context.


Specifies the x-coordinate, in device units, of the new viewport origin.


Specifies the y-coordinate, in device units, of the new viewport origin.


Points to a POINT structure. The previous viewport origin (in device coordinates) is placed in this structure. If lpPoint is NULL, nothing is returned.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

See Also

GetViewportOrgEx, POINT, SetWindowOrgEx