
The NetGetDisplayInformationIndex function gets the index of the first display information entry whose name begins with a specified string or alphabetically follows the string. You can use this function to determine a starting index for subsequent calls to the NetQueryDisplayInformation function.

Security Requirements

No special group membership is required to successfully execute NetGetDisplayInformationIndex.

NET_API_STATUS NetGetDisplayInformationIndex(

LPWSTR ServerName, // pointer to server to get information from
DWORD Level, // level of information to retrieve
LPWSTR Prefix, // pointer to prefix string
LPDWORD Index // receives index of entry



Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string containing the name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. A NULL pointer or string specifies the local computer.


Specifies one of the following values to return the level of information provided.

Value Meaning
1 Query all Local and Global (normal) user accounts.
2 Query all Workstation and Server user accounts.
3 Query all Global Groups.


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string containing the prefix for which to search.


Pointer to a 32-bit variable that receives the index of the entry.

See Also
