About Header Control Notification Messages

A header control sends notification messages to its parent window when the user clicks or double-clicks an item, when the user drags an item divider, and when the attributes of an item change. The parent window receives the notifications in the form of WM_NOTIFY messages. The following notifications are used with header controls.

Notification Description
HDN_BEGINTRACK Signals the start of divider dragging.
HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK Indicates that the user double-clicked a divider.
HDN_ENDTRACK Signals the end of divider dragging.
HDN_ITEMCHANGED Indicates a change in the attributes of an item.
HDN_ITEMCHANGING Indicates that the attributes of an item are about to change.
HDN_ITEMCLICK Indicates that the user clicked an item.
HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK Indicates that the user double-clicked an item.
HDN_TRACK Indicates that the user dragged a divider.