
The PrinterMessageBox function displays a message box that lets an application that is printing notify the user of a printing job error. If the owner of the job is logged on remotely, the function sends a net popup to the owner. If the user selects Cancel in the message box, the function cancels the print job; otherwise, the function clears the job error status, and the system tries to print the job again.

HPRINTER PrinterMessageBox (

HANDLE hPrinter, // handle of printer
DWORD Error, // error identifier
HWND hWnd, // handle of owner window
LPTSTR pText, // pointer to message box text
LPTSTR pCaption, // pointer to message box title
DWORD dwType // style of message box



Identifies the printer to which the job was sent.


Specifies the error that occurred. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER The printer is out of paper.
ERROR_NOT_READY The printer is not ready.


Identifies an owner window for the message box the function creates. If this parameter is NULL, the message box has no owner window.


Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the message to be displayed.


Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the dialog box title. If this parameter is NULL, the function uses the default title "Error".


Specifies the contents and behavior of the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of any of the values accepted by the MessageBox function's fourth parameter; however, it is recommended that an application use the following combination:


Return Values

If PrinterMessageBox sends a net popup, the return value is IDOK. Otherwise, the function returns the value returned by the message box the function displays. Two typical return values are the following:

Value Meaning
IDCANCEL Cancel button was selected.
IDRETRY Retry button was selected.

For a more complete list of message box return values, see MessageBox.

See Also
