
[Now Supported on Windows NT]

The TrackPopupMenuEx function displays a shortcut menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu can appear anywhere on the screen.

BOOL TrackPopupMenuEx(

HMENU hmenu,  
UINT fuFlags,  
int x,  
int y,  
HWND hwnd,  



Handle to the shortcut menu to be displayed. This handle can be obtained by calling the CreatePopupMenu function to create a new shortcut menu or by calling the GetSubMenu function to retrieve the handle to a submenu associated with an existing menu item.


Positioning and other options. This parameter, which can be zero or more of the values listed with the TrackPopupMenu function, may also include one of the following values:

Value Meaning
TPM_HORIZONTAL If the menu cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested horizontal alignment before the requested vertical alignment.
TPM_VERTICAL If the menu cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested vertical alignment before the requested horizontal alignment.

The excluded rectangle is a portion of the screen that the menu should not overlap; it is specified by lptpm.


Horizontal location of the shortcut menu, in screen coordinates.


Vertical location of the shortcut menu, in screen coordinates.


Handle to the window that owns the shortcut menu. This window receives all messages from the menu. The window does not receive a WM_COMMAND message from the menu until the function returns.


Pointer to a TPMPARAMS structure that specifies an area of the screen the menu should not overlap. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, use the GetLastError function.

See Also

CreatePopupMenu, GetSubMenu, TPMPARAMS, TrackPopupMenu, WM_COMMAND