The LV_DISPINFO structure contains information needed to display an owner-drawn item in a list view control.

typedef struct tagLV_DISPINFO {

NMHDR hdr;

LV_ITEM item;




Specifies a NMHDR structure. The code member of this structure identifies the notification message being sent. It can be one of the following notification codes: LVN_GETDISPINFO or LVN_SETDISPINFO.


Specifies an LV_ITEM structure that identifies the item or subitem. The structure either contains or receives information about the item. The mask member contains a set of bit flags that specify which item attributes are relevant. You can set one or more of the following bit flags:

Value Meaning
LVIF_IMAGE The iImage member specifies, or is to receive, the index of the item's icon in the image list.
LVIF_STATE The state member specifies, or is to receive, the state of the item.
LVIF_TEXT The pszText member specifies the new item text or the address of a buffer that is to receive the item text.

If the structure is receiving item text, the pszText and cchTextMax members specify the address and size of a buffer. You can either copy text to the buffer or assign the address of a string to the pszText member. In the latter case, you must not change or delete the string until the corresponding item text is deleted or two additional LVN_GETDISPINFO messages have been sent.

If you are handling the LVN_GETDISPINFO message, you can set the LVIF_DI_SETITEM flag in the mask member. This tells the operating system to store the requested list item information, and not ask for it again.


When a list view control sends the LVN_GETDISPINFO or LVN_SETDISPINFO notification codes, it passes a pointer to an LV_DISPINFO structure as the lParam parameter of a WM_NOTIFY message.

See Also