
[Now Supported on Windows NT]

The CascadeWindows function cascades the specified windows or the child windows of the specified parent window.

WORD WINAPI CascadeWindows(

HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
UINT wHow, // types of windows not to arrange
CONST RECT *lpRect, // rectangle to arrange windows in
UINT cKids, // number of windows to arrange
const HWND FAR *lpKids // array of window handles



Identifies the parent window. If this parameter is NULL, the desktop window is assumed.


Specifies a cascade flag. The only flag currently available, MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED, prevents disabled MDI child windows from being cascaded.


Pointer to a SMALL_RECT structure that specifies the rectangular area, in screen coordinates, within which the windows are arranged. This parameter can be NULL, in which case the client area of the parent window is used.


Specifies the number of elements in the array specified by the lpKids parameter. This parameter is ignored if lpKids is NULL.


Pointer to an array of window handles identifying the windows to arrange. If this parameter is NULL, the child windows of the specified parent window (or of the desktop window) are arranged.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of windows arranged.

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

See Also