The PROPSHEETHEADER structure defines the frame and pages of a property sheet.

typedef struct _PROPSHEETHEADER { // psh

DWORD dwSize;

DWORD dwFlags;

HWND hwndParent;

HINSTANCE hInstance;

union {

HICON hIcon;

LPCTSTR pszIcon;


LPCTSTR pszCaption;

UINT nPages

union {

UINT nStartPage

LPCTSTR pStartPage;


union {









Size, in bytes, of this structure.


Array of flags that indicate which other members to use and which to ignore. This member can be a combination of the following values:

Value Meaning
PSH_DEFAULT Uses the default meaning for all structure members.
PSH_HASHELP Displays the property sheet Help button. The Help button is enabled only when the PSP_HASHELP flag is set in the PROPSHEETPAGE structure for the active page.

If any of the initial property sheet pages sets the PSP_HASHELP flag, the Help button is automatically displayed regardless of the PSH_HASHELP flag. However, PSH_HASHELP is useful when none of the initial pages set PSP_HASHELP, but pages added later might.

PSH_MODELESS Causes the PropertySheet function to create the property sheet as a modeless dialog instead of the default modal behavior. When this flag is set, PropertySheet returns immediately after the dialog is created and the return value from PropertySheet is the window handle of the property sheet dialog.
PSH_NOAPPLYNOW Removes the Apply Now button.
PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE Uses ppsp and ignores phpage when creating the pages for the property sheet.
PSH_PROPTITLE Includes "Properties for" with the string specified by pszCaption in the title bar of the property sheet.
PSH_USECALLBACK Calls the function specified by pfnCallback when initializing the property sheet defined by this structure.
PSH_USEHICON Uses hIcon as the small icon in the title bar of the property sheet dialog box.
PSH_USEICONID Uses pszIcon as the name of the icon resource to load and use as the small icon in the title bar of the property sheet dialog box.
PSH_USEPSTARTPAGE Uses pStartPage and ignores nStartPage when displaying the initial page of the property sheet.
PSH_WIZARD Creates a wizard property sheet.
PSH_RTLREADING Displays the title of the property sheet dialog using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems.


Handle of the owner window.


Handle of the instance from which to load the icon or title string resource. If pszIcon or pszCaption identifies a resource to load, this member must be specified.


Handle of the icon to use as the small icon in the title bar of the property sheet dialog box. If dwFlags does not include the PSH_USEHICON value, this member is ignored.


Icon resource to use as the small icon in the title bar of the property sheet dialog box. This member can specify either the identifier of the icon resource or the pointer to the string that specifies the name of the icon resource. If dwFlags does not include the PSH_USEICONID value, this member is ignored.


Title of the property sheet dialog box. This member can specify either the identifier of a string resource or the pointer to a string that specifies the title. If dwFlags includes the PSH_PROPTITLE value, the string "Properties for" is used with the title.


Number of elements in the phpage array.


Zero-based index of the initial page that appears when the property sheet dialog box is created.


Name of the initial page that appears when the property sheet dialog box is created. This member can specify either the identifier of a string resource or the pointer to a string that specifies the name.


Pointer to an array of PROPSHEETPAGE structures that define the pages in the property sheet. If dwFlags does not include the PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE value, this member is ignored.


Pointer to an array that contains handles of property sheet pages. Each handle must have been created by a previous call to the CreatePropertySheetPage function. If dwFlags includes the PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE value, this member is ignored.


Pointer to an application-defined callback function that is called when the property sheet is initialized. For more information about the callback function, see the description of the PropSheetProc function. If dwFlags does not include the PSP_USECALLBACK value, this member is ignored.

See Also

CreatePropertySheetPage, PropertySheet, PROPSHEETPAGE, PropSheetProc