The WM_IME_CHAR message is sent to an application when the IME gets a character of the conversion result. Unlike the WM_CHAR message, this message can include double-byte as well as single-byte character values.

chCharCode1 = (TCHAR) wParam;
chCharCode2 = (TCHAR) wParam>>8;
lKeyData = lParam;


chCharCode1 and chCharCode2

Single- or double-byte character value.


Repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown following:

Bit Meaning
0 - 15 Repeat count: Since the first byte and second byte is continuous, this is always 1.
16 - 23 Scan Code: Scan code for complete a FE character.
24 - 28 Not used.
29 Context code.
31 Conversion state.


If the WM_IME_CHAR message includes a double-byte character, the DefWindowProc function converts this message into two WM_CHAR messages, each containing one byte of the double-byte character.

See Also

DefWindowProc, WM_CHAR