The SNMP Service is installed when you check the SNMP Service option in the Windows NT TCP/IP Installation Options dialog box. After the SNMP Service software is installed on your computer, you must configure it with valid information for SNMP to operate.
You must be logged on as a member of the Administrator group for the local computer to configure SNMP.
The SNMP configuration information identifies communities and trap destinations.
�A community is a group of hosts to which a Windows NT computer running the SNMP Service belongs. You can specify one or more communities to which the Windows NT computer using SNMP will send traps. The community name is included when a trap is sent.
When the SNMP Service receives a request for information that does not contain the correct community name and does not match an accepted host name for the Service, the SNMP Service can send a trap to the trap destination(s), indicating that the request failed authentication.
�Trap destinations are the names or IP addresses of hosts to which you want the SNMP Service to send traps with the selected community name.
You might want to use SNMP for statistics, but you may not care about identifying communities or traps. In this case, you can specify the "public" community name when you configure the SNMP Service.