
The GetThreadDesktop function returns a handle to the desktop associated with a specified thread.

HDESK GetThreadDesktop(

DWORD dwThreadId // thread identifier



Identifies the thread for which to return the desktop handle. The GetCurrentThreadId and CreateProcess functions return thread identifiers.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of the desktop associated with the specified thread.


The system associates a desktop with a thread when that thread is created. A thread can use the SetThreadDesktop function to change its desktop. The desktop associated with a thread must be on the window station associated with the thread's process.

The calling process can use the returned handle in calls to the GetUserObjectInformation, GetUserObjectSecurity, SetUserObjectInformation, and SetUserObjectSecurity functions.

Windows 95: Windows 95 does not support multiple desktops, so GetThreadDesktop always returns the same value.

See Also

GetCurrentThreadId, GetProcessWindowStation, GetUserObjectInformation, GetUserObjectSecurity, SetProcessWindowStation, SetThreadDesktop, SetUserObjectInformation, SetUserObjectSecurity