The TOOLTIPTEXT structure identifies a tool for which text is to be displayed and receives the text for the tool.
typedef struct { // ttt
NMHDR hdr;
LPTSTR lpszText;
char szText[80];
UINT uFlags;
Specifies a NMHDR structure, which enables the tooltip control to pass a pointer to a TOOLTIPTEXT structure as the lParam parameter of a WM_NOTIFY message.
Pointer to a string that contains or receives the text for a tool. If hinst specifies an instance handle, this member must be the identifier of a string resource.
Buffer that receives the tooltip text. An application can copy the text to this buffer as an alternative to specifying a string address or string resource.
Handle to the instance that contains a string resource to be used as the tooltip text. If lpszText is the pointer to the tooltip text, this member is NULL.
Flag that indicates how to interpret the idFrom member of the NMHDR structure that is included in the structure. If this member is the TTF_IDISHWND value, idFrom is the handle of the tool. Otherwise, idFrom is the identifier of the tool.
If this member is the TTF_RTLREADING value, text on Hebrew or Arabic systems is displayed using right-to-left reading order.
This structure is used with the TTN_NEEDTEXT notification message.
See Also