
[Now Supported on Windows NT]

Retrieves an estimated measurement of the amount of work required to complete a reconciliation. This value corresponds to a similar value that is passed with the IReconcileInitiator::SetProgressFeedback member function during reconciliation. Reconcilers typically use this member function to estimate the work needed to reconcile an embedded document.

HRESULT IReconcilableObject::GetProgressFeedbackMaxEstimate(

IMoniker ** pulProgressMax  



Address of the variable that receives the work estimate value.

The work estimate value, if available, is only approximate.

Return Values

Returns the S_OK value if successful. Otherwise, the member function returns one of the following error values:

OLE_E_NOTRUNNING The object is an OLE embedded document that must be run before this operation can be carried out. The object state is unchanged as a result of the call.
E_UNEXPECTED Unspecified error.

See Also
